To become an innovative and independent Business Development
Agency in managing and developing business units to optimize funding
sources and utilization of income to support the implementation of the
Tridharma of Higher Education.
According to the proposed organization of Universitas Syiah Kuala’s Work Procedures, one of the university’s organizational structures is the Business Development Agency of Universitas Syiah Kuala (BPBU) which is responsible for managing and developing business units and optimizing the management of university funding sources. The Rector of Universitas Syiah Kuala through Rector Decree No.1392/UN11/KPT/2018 has appointed personnel to run BPBUs with the hope that BPBU can improve services to the community in order to promote the general welfare and educate the nation’s life by providing flexibility in financial management based on economic and productivity principles. And the application of sound business practices following PP. 74 of 2012 article 2.