Organizational Structure

 <b>Dr. Syaifullah Muhammad, S.T., M.Eng.</b> <br>Chairman<br><br>
        Dr. Syaifullah Muhammad is an Associate Professor at the Chemical Engineering Department of Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh - Indonesia. He obtained the Ph.D and 
        M.Eng degree in Chemical Engineering from Curtin University of Technology Western Australia with a research area of  nano particle technology and wastewater treatment. Dr. Muhammad has published many academic research papers in International Journal with Scopus H-Index of 10. Since 2016, Dr. Muhammad has become the head of Atsiri Research Center (ARC) of Syiah Kuala University and currently he is also head project of Innovation Cluster of Aceh Patchouli Oil conducted by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education. Further, Dr. Muhammad and his team has produced various planning documents related to the Aceh patchouli industry such as the Aceh Patchouli Regional Innovation System (Bappeda, 2016), Aceh Atsiri Roadmap (Bappeda, 2017), Masterplan for Aceh Patchouli Innovation Cluster (Kemenristekdikti, 2017), Master Plan and Detailed Engineering Design (DED) for Patchouli Small and Medium Industrial Center (Disperindag, 2018). Furthermore, Dr. Muhammad has also won several awards such as the Madani Award (2017) and Gemilang Award (2018) from the Government of the Banda Aceh and also the Innovation Awards (2018) from Curtin University Western Australia.
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Dr. Syaifullah Muhammad, S.T., M.Eng.


<b>Muslim, M.InfoTech</b> <br>Secretary<br><br>
          He is a Mathematics Alumni of mathematics and Natural Science Faculty, Syiah Kuala University (Unsyiah), working as a Lecturer in the Informatics Department, at the Informatics Management Study Program. He also serves as the Secretary of the CDC (Career Development Center) Unsyiah. The master program is completed at the University of South Australia, Adelaide as a Master of Information Technology. His experiences as researchers include: Chair of Researchers for Need Assessment of Vulnerable Groups and Livelihood of Aceh Tsunami Victims, collaboration Aceh Institute with UNIFEM 2005; As a Project Manager for the Grass Root Project for Civilization of Ex-Combatants, the costs of The Embassy of Japan 2006; Manager of Data Analyst for Religious, Social, Culture, Youth and Sport in BRR NAD NIAS 2006-2007; Data Consultant of MSR Project (Peace & Conflict Resolution) at The World Bank 2008. Currently He is concerned in completing his Doctoral Study in Mathematics and Science Applied, concentrated in the field of Big Data Analytics for Climate Change.<br> <br>
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Muslim, M.InfoTech


<b>Dr. Ir. Juanda, S.TP., M.Sc</b> <br>Head of Production, Technology and Innovation<br><br>
          I have been an accounting lecturer since 2000. The courses I teach are Financial Accounting, Financial Statement Analysis, Accounting Theory, and International Accounting, Investment Theory and Capital Market. In 1998, I completed an undergraduate degree in Accounting Economics at the Syiah Kuala University Faculty of Economics. In 2001 I completed a master of science (S2) program in Financial Accounting IImu in Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. Furthermore, in 2015, I completed a doctoral program (S3) in Financial Accounting at the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta.
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Dr. Ir. Juanda, S.TP., M.Sc

Head of Production, Technology and Innovation

<b>Dr. Yossi Diantimala, SE.Ak., M.Si.</b> <br>Head of Administration, Finance and Natural Resources<br><br>
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Dr. Yossi Diantimala, SE.Ak., M.Si.

Head of Administration, Finance and Natural Resources

<b>Fifi Yusmita, SE., M.Si</b> <br>Head of Business Development and Cooperation <br><br>
          Fifi yusmita is a lecturer in the accounting department of economics at Syiah Kuala University. She was born in Meulaboh, Aceh Barat. She completed her bachelor’s degree and her master’s in accounting from Syiah Kuala University. Currently, she is a PhD student at Tunku Puteri Intan Safinaz School of Accountancy at University Utara Malaysia (UUM). Her research areas are Accounting Information System, Information System, and Disaster recovery Plan for the public sector. For her, the first function of education is to educate yourself.
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Fifi Yusmita, SE., M.Si

Head of Business Development and Cooperation

<b>Dr. Ratna Mulyany, BACC, MSACC</b> <br>Head of Law, Cooperation and Monev <br><br>
          Ratna Mulyany is currently an assistant professor at the Accounting Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, Indonesia. She was recently appointed as Head of International Relations and Partnership Division of the Business Development Agency, Universitas Syiah Kuala. She is also an editor-in-chief for Journal of Accounting Research, Organization and Economics (JAROE) and managing editor for Jurnal Dinamika Akuntansi dan Bisnis (JDAB). Upon graduation from her bachelor degree in accounting, she was offered to work with Malaysian petroleum company, PETRONAS.  She secured her MSc in Accounting and PhD from International Islamic University Malaysia with the dissertation topic about Convergence of International Accounting Standards on Financial Instruments for Islamic Banks in Malaysia and Bahrain. An extract of her master thesis on Shari’ah audit for Islamic Financial Institutions was awarded as First Prize for Audit Category, Malaysian Outstanding Research Paper Award 2009. She also won the first prize of the Scopus Recommended Category in the 2019 Research Paper competition (Forum Riset Ekonomi dan Keuangan Syariah) held by Indonesian Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan/OJK) and Ikatan Ahli Ekonomi Indonesia (IAEI). She has built special interest in the issues of international accounting and accounting and auditing for Islamic institutions. She has published in numerous international and national journals and has also presented her research outputs in several international conferences.
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Dr. Ratna Mulyany, BACC, MSACC

Head of Law, Cooperation and Monev

Hendra Halim, M.E

Coordinator of Financial Planning and Reporting

Fathurrahman Anwar, SE., MBA

Coordinator of Asset Management, Financing and Innovation

Wida Yulia Viridanda, S.Psi

Coordinator of Human Resources

Sayyid Afdhal El Rahimi, S.Kel., M.Si

Coordinator of Commercial Business

Dr. drg. Munifah, MARS.

Coordinator of Service Business

Yudha Nurdin, ST.,MT

Coordinator of Technology and Innovation

Dr. Wira Dharma, S.Si., M.P., M.Si

Coordinator of Branding and Marketing

Dr. Iskandar AS., S.Pd., M.A.

Coordinator of Cooperation and Networking

Dinaroe, SE., MBA.,Ak.,CA

Coordinator of Monitoring and Evaluation